Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lion in the cage

I opened the door to see my nephew. “I am staying with you for three days,” he declared. He is going through a tough time. He could not make it to his dad’s (my brother’s) funeral, three months ago. Nor could I. Well, situations boss.
Anyway, just wanted to tell you how people “chadavv” (praise as a fooling tact) us.
“You should have been here last week. I was in pain and there was none to even offer me water,” I went sentimental.
“What ya? You are a lion, though in a cage now. You don’t need anyone,” he shot back.
Pusss. Ego blaster.
I was talking to him and opened the G-mail.
“Hey RR. You are so sweet. I miss you man. Huggies and love. Never give me up,” went the mail.
Elated, I saw the sender’s name and my face went like an egg being broken into a steam hot pan.
Wow, what a romantic friend you have? What’s she doing? asked my nephew.
“This grandma is just retiring,” I shut the computer.


  1. Hmmmm, who was the grandma? Suddenly, the curiosity is getting to me.....tell us about the romantic friend.

  2. hmmmm fishy....! i m sure thats not a grandma. otherwise the computer would not have been shut down so soon.

    waise the pic of the lion is quite scary. thank god you are in a cage......! :))

  3. Who is this grandma, you better tell us.

  4. Are you trying to tell us you are sweet;)
    We already know that.

  5. The lady with the lipstick ????? Tell na ...

  6. I would love to get some inappropriate emails from someone. Alas, my box is always empty. I'm glad you are feeling better, friend. A nice, platonic, affectionate hug to you! haha Namaste

  7. prhaps u might have lied to ur nephew to let him conclude that she is too aged...i seriously suspect so..:) :D ;)

  8. hmm..sorry to read about your brother...

    well...you have a girl friend....this is good....romantic or not romantic...this is the question....

  9. Woah...hehehe! I have received a mail or two like that and you should have seen H's reaction!

  10. areee meri to bolti band kar di :D :D btw... wats the age of this gramma???? :P :P

  11. ahem...ahem,,,A grandma is missing you?? Sneaky*

  12. something something ....


  13. hahaha nice Uncle and Nephew tales :D

  14. Whats the inside story macha?

  15. loved the ego buster part.. but isnt it supposed to be an ego booster?.

  16. Oh yeah, and most of us fall for the trap, don't we?! Like harish said, it's more like an ego booster, and it somehow makes the "recipient" feel good. The best part is, the "source" doesn't lose anything with those few extra pats, does (s)he ;p

  17. Never a dull moment! :)

  18. So sorry for your loss!
    But a grandma linked romantically>
    Something fishy is brewing up!! ;D
