Saturday, September 5, 2009

Life never ends for some

This comment of Vinisha, Mumbai, is interesting. So sharing with you:
"I don't really have a negative opinion on people who try to kill themselves. It's a personal choice really - they have their lives and they can choose to have enough of it when they please.
Of course, the vital question is whether people are really done living their lives. There's a sitcom on Star World "Grey's Anatomy" which had an episode on a 80 yr old guy who was in a coma for many years and finally woke up wishing he was dead. He tried everything from not eating to eating stuff his body couldn't take to sitting in a chair and using all the energy of his body into saying "I'll be dead now"
He doesn't die. He wants to because he's done living and everyone who was with him was gone with the exception of him. And then one fine day when hes ready to leave the hospital all dressed up, sitting in his bed by the window in the morning sunshine, he passes quietly away like a gentle breeze - sitting there just like that as if comtemplating back on his long lived life.
Sometimes I think I've had enough of living and then I decide to wait just for a little while more and see if I indeed have had enough and sure enough something else comes through that makes me want to live for a really really really long time. :)"


  1. lovely post R. Ramesh...our life is very unpredictable...what we want, we don't get and what we get, we are not satisfied with it...isn't it better just to live with what we have? our life will be much more beautiful na..

  2. Ramesh, make it a cheerful on the next time.

  3. This is true...we have complete authority over our life. But people say it's a crime to commit suicide because our life connected and when we kill ourself, the connection is lost and which can be be fixed !!!

  4. a post out of a comment....interesting....well I read it before!!

  5. AMEN....May you live a really really long can we have our witty Ramesh back.

  6. lol...good one..the comment was truly worth mentioning!!

  7. Bhai, thanks for sharing, it's quite an interesting piece to read :)

    And here in the comments column, what "Nehaji" said is very true - I agree with her - life is totally unpredictable :)

  8. Some are seeing this post as depressing, but I am getting quite the opposite: I find it to be quite inspiring. And, Ramesh, I enjoy your blog very much regardless of what you post because you are sharing a piece of yourself. Peace.

  9. I just know I don't know anything. Right at the moment I think I do, live takes over...sigh:)
