Tuesday, September 29, 2009

When luck smiles...

Being at the right place at the right time changes one’s lives dramatically in a positive direction. I had mentioned how my senior colleague suggested me a Gulf job while in the office loo in Mumbai.
Yesterday we were discussing situations where people have landed in trouble for being in wrong places at wrong times. A man decided to take a quiet walk. He avoided the dangerous highway and walked carefully on the footpath. He was crossing a skyscraper. On the 14th floor, another man had decided “enough was enough” with life. He jumped through the window. And he landed on this pedestrian, killing him. The man who wanted to die survived.
Another colleague said about this Second World War hero who returned home triumphantly. He was relaxing when a piece of concrete fell on his head, taking his life.
Shucks. Why are on this negative track? Come on. We are positive thinkers.
Yes. A Pakistani garbage truck loader who lives in a labor camp in Sharjah, received a phone call recently.
“You are a millionaire.”
Ajmal Khan works as a laborer earning AED 800 per month ($1=AED3.67).
He could not believe his ears.
He had won the Etisalat 24 Millionaires promotion.
I am praying at least one of my precious friends (Hey, where are you looking? You are one indeed) gets such a phone call.
What say?


  1. ouch, the first too stories were indeed very sad...thanks for the last one...I always love to finish your post with a smile...n u made sure of that :)

  2. Oh , I would love such a call...actually there is one such junk mail I received that I have won som yahoo lottery!! Now , am sure that is a joke...but for a second there it was a great feeling to think I had won a lottery!!!

    Welcome back:)

  3. Certainly amazed to hear the stories. I believe; do your deeds and wait for the results. But receiving one such phone call some day informing about winning price money... wow what a day that would be!!! :-D

    And hey, I've prayers prayed for others get heard for sure.... what do you think?

    - Pixellicious Photos

  4. If I get one call like that...half of the money will b yours.lol

    amazing writing..enjoyed it a lot :))

  5. If you are wishing wish that I get to travel more :D

  6. When ever i scarch a gift coupon i always get it,u know what i get "Better Luck Next Time"

    Recently i too got a call from Etisalat,that caller told me that i won 1 million and etisalat people will call me back,but the call was hoax,had a good laugh and ofcourse was sad that i didnt get it ;)

  7. With all that heavy shopping bills you my friend are the most eligible candidate for receiving the prize money....insaah allah!!!!!

  8. Yes buddy....a single phone call can change our life !!! It's the luck which decides everything .

  9. I could not agree more about right time and place!!
    Currently, I am doing my best to woo lady luck... hope to get lucky soon!! :)

  10. Aapke muh mein ghee-shakkar! :)

  11. you dont want that phone call? I am not going to be sharing any of the money ok, if I get the call!! How were the eid hols? Happy Dusserah

  12. Naah!!!!What would I do with all the millions. Besides, I might just die of Stroke if I do receive such a call!!!

  13. I am praying that you get the lucky phone call

  14. Amazing post. You each and every post is excellent. Keep writing.

  15. Bah... you just want me to share it with you :)

  16. Er... I just wanted to say that I love your blurbs of live :)

  17. Sahabzyaade Ajmal Khan ne kya kismat paayi hai!

  18. Ramesh,whenever you get time please try to access the blog(new),if problem still exists please let me know....sorry for the trouble.
